Monday, August 29, 2011

Romans 12:10

                “Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another”
                Am I to be truly kind and affectionate with brotherly love? Oh how the Devil loves to lead me on top of a pedestal where I try to awe the crowd who I secretly think are below me. Oh how unnoticeable it sometimes is, I even deceive myself sometimes why my showmanship. Yes, I look kind, and I do kind things, but is it truly from a heart of brotherly love? Yah, I might be smarter, more morally adept than most people; and yes, I might appear to be kind and a young man rich in Christian character; but who am I in the eyes of God? Do I truly love my brother, or do I talk down at him like a car salesman/ Where is my motive, and how may I change it to truly be humble and not just appear to be in my flesh.
                “In honor given preference to one another” Oh so easy to do in behavior, yet so difficult to perform in the heart. Why do I exalt myself in my heart when I do such an act and tell myself how “humble” or “kind” I’m appearing which ends up puffing me up in pride. Why can’t I truly let others go before me not for the purpose of show, but for the glory of God letting Christ sine through me?
                Application: I fail at these two commands in my heart all the time, and I need to daily—no, hourly confess the sins and ask my Lord to change my heart and motives. I’m going to continue to read Scripture to find how to truly love and serve people so that I might have my mind thinking about His Word rather than how “Christian” or “holy” I’m appearing to people. Just because my heart might not be fully conformed to this exhortation, it still gives me no excuse not to do kind and loving thins towards people, though my heart might not be following. Once my heart is transformed and conformed to the image of the Word of God, not only will my brotherly love be pure, but it will become more prevalent with my behavior. May Christ’s body be edified in brotherly love through me.

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