“Then the Spirit said to Philip, ‘Go near and overtake this chariot’”
Such a weird and unusual prompting. Yet this chariot carried a “eunuch of great authority” from Ethiopia that God would later use to spread the gospel into Ethiopia. Philip was ignorant to this fact though. The Spirit didn’t disclose Philip of the “why” of the command, nor did He tell him who was in the chariot, nor what Philip should be doing as he would overtake this chariot. Just a simple “Go”
Most of us (well at least me) would probably probe some questions to God about why we should obey the promptings that He gives us. We would ask the Godhead “For what reason do You send me to do this?” A harmless question on the surface; but lets uproot the implications of this question. “Lord, I know You are sovereign, and that Your thoughts are higher then my thoughts, and I know all things turn out good for those who love You, and that if I love You I should follow Your commandments with faithfulness. But please give me the reason for this prompting so that I might judge myself if this is worth obeying based on my current resources and time. You know Lord that I’m a very busy person, and it would be a shame that I would waste time obeying You and miss my very important appointments I have set for myself.”
Now do we see this type of questioning from Philip? Well… no it’s absent, he just simply obeyed without questioning God. Philip did what his father of faith, Abraham did; leaving his country men and family, he did not know where he was going, but had faith in God. Philip, through faith, obeyed and led to an opening of the gospel in the historical kingdom of Ethiopia.
Application: If I’m to be great in the Kingdom of God and bring glory to the Lamb and the one who sits on the throne, I simply need to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit. I need to receive my Father’s instruction like a simple child who won’t ask “why?” before I obey, but instead God would show me why after I obey. I will never fully see the Lord’s full plan on this side of glory, but I should remember the times where I have obeyed and see God do His mighty works through me with just my little two fish and five loves of obedient faith.
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