Sunday, August 14, 2011

Acts 12:8

“Then the angel said to him, “Gird yourself and tie on your sandals”; and so he did. And he said to him “Put on your garment and follow me.””
                Deliverance doesn’t end at “his chains fell off his hands” nor does the Christian life end at “since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” There’s always a response that the Lord asks us to do so that we may receive His full blessing and deliverance.
                “Gird yourself and tie on your sandals” for it would be unwise for Peter to simply run off just to stumble and injure himself on the sharp rocks of Israel. “Put your garments” for it would be in vain to escape and be ensnared by the guards again because Peter still looked like a prisoner. “Follow me” for Peter is still recovering from his sleep and uncomfortable imprisonment.
                With Jesus bearing the cross for my eternal life, and Him leading me on the secure bridge that leads to my heavenly home, all I need to do is walk by faith. He hasn’t left me to sub my toe on the narrow way to the Father, but He has provided me sandals for me so that I can traverse such a road. He hasn’t left me to become sick from under the cold rain or burn under the harsh raze of the sun, but He has given me a garment of righteousness that covers and comforts me through every and any season. With my chains broken off my wrists and my Enemies disposed of by Christ, I may gird myself and follow Jesus in becoming a holy, living sacrifice for God. I just need to be like Peter and not dwell in my chains nor slumber back into my sleep, but just obey and utilize the gifts and tools that has been provided for me  to be advance His Kingdom and glorify His name.

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