Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mark 8:37

                “Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?”
                Though this is a rhetorical, we could probably answer this question. What will a man gain for exchange of his soul? Money, ambition, career, business, trophies, medals, family, prizes, cars, idealism, religion, revenge, plans, glory, the list goes on. All these things a person may have, yet will lose their souls to them.
                But now what will a man give up to gain back his soul? This is even a more interesting question, for we know both in theory and experience that we can give up almost anything to gain our souls, but would we give up everything? Oh yes, I accept that I shouldn’t murder my brother, but do I accept that I should even deny any type of hate within my mind. I mean my brother has done so many things against me, why should I even go beyond abstaining myself from responding in vengeance. Yet God demands that I give up such hate or I will be judged as if I have murdered my bother. Yes, I agree that I should do good things to my enemies, but love them? I don’t think I can. Sure I can give up being popular and renowned among society, but am I also content on being hated and ostracized for my faith in Jesus Christ? Why is it so easy for my mind to intellectually agree to the radical commands of Christ, yet let my heart not be reformed to those commands so that they may apply to my life?
                Application: Though I’m firmly secure in the grace and love of God through faith in Jesus Christ, there are still things in my heart that I need to let go so that I might grasp the full blessings, joys, and wonders of Christ fully shinning through me. I also need to compare my life to the perfect mirror of the Word of God and not nominal- or even radical Christians, for they even fall short to the standards. Will I exchange everything so that I might find my soul in the vast riches of Christ Jesus?

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